Wednesday 20 January 2010

Photographic Evidence

Nothing of interest to report, except that I've finally found something I'm worse at than walking down stairs without falling: rolling cigarettes. Oh my God. I've been going to lectures (I get made fun of when I call them classes here), but they don't happen that often and nobody studies abroad to waste time pondering the greatness of their module choices, so yeah. Mostly I treasure my lunchtime pint of cider, try on beautiful British clothes and devise plans to prevent myself from gaining 60 pounds by June 5. We'll see.

I sort of feel like a freshman again here, which I'm actually enjoying. It's so refreshing not to be bored, and people here are less judgmental and jaded than they are in New York. Nobody looks at you like you're the spawn of the devil if you admit to--heaven forbid--liking something. Novel idea. I'm sure most of my perception of Londoners is clouded by the fact that they're all new to me, but on the whole they've seemed more open and less caught up than a lot of the people I'm used to interacting with at home. Less insecure, self-obsessed clones of each other and more interested in having a fucking good time. Obviously I love New York, but towards the end of last semester I was finding it almost laughably superficial and the people there increasingly drove me insane. It's nice to be around people who seem to care more about enjoying what they're doing than spending their time pretending (wishing, probably) that everyone is watching them and probably wants to take their picture.

So that's London. Different every day, but definitely always lovely.


1 comment:

  1. i totally agree about the laughably superficial thing. man oh man, it sounds like you're having an awesome time. and if you do gain 60 pounds by june i won't judge. we can just do yoga together when you come back.
